2014 National Geographic Channel Australian Geography Competition

Year 12 Student Angus Konta

On Friday May 23 The Australian National Geographic published on its website the results of the 2014 Australian Geography Competition. Year 12 student, Angus Konta was awarded equal first place in Australia in the Senior Competition. Angus is an outstanding student of Geography and received a certificate, medal and prizes for his exemplary performance in the competition.

In April Year 11 and Year 12 Geography students sat the senior level of the 2014 Australian Geography Competition. This is an Australia wide competition and is open to all Geography students. The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland and the Australian Geography Teachers’ Association view the competition as a means to reward the excellence of students in Geography and to encourage the study of Geography in schools. This year 80,000 entered the competition which included Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 Geography students from St Andrews.

Certificates were presented to the students during at an assembly, late in Term 2, on the Senior Campus. Congratulations go to  Year 12 students Angus Konta, James Irvine and Acel Pajarin who achieved a high distinction. Congratulations also go to Stephanie Mulholland (Year 12), Khenn Carlos (Year 11), Jonathan Cabanit (Year 11), Joanna Chapko (Year 11), Shannon Dias (Year 11) and Raffi Demirian (Year 11) who achieved a credit. All other Geography students received a certificate for participation.

Congratulations to all of the Geography students in Year 11 and Year 12 who share the passion for Geography. They acknowledge its significance in understanding the world we live in and are determined to be active in caring for our planet for both current and future generations.