CSDA Best and Fairest Performance Shield

Debating Shield

Ms Emily Pett, Debating and Public Speaking Co-ordinator, was proud to announce that on Friday 24th of July at the CSDA Debating Grand Final, St Andrews College was awarded the 2015 Jane Sulis Shield for Best and Fairest Performance by a school.

This is a fantastic achievement for the College and one that is awarded to the entire St Andrews College Community. This prestigious shield is awarded to a school that has gone above and beyond to offer their assistance and hospitality throughout the Debating Season.

St Andrews College volunteered to host three rounds of the Debating Competition this year as well as a round of the Public Speaking Competition earlier in the year.

At each hosted round there were many students across all year groups who volunteered their time to help out in any way they could.

Many visiting schools remarked upon the friendly demeanour and hospitality of our students and it was wonderful to see so many students return each week to help out again.

I once again thank every student who volunteered their time to help with each round, as well as the many staff of the College who also assisted in whatever way they could.

We are honoured to be awarded the Jane Sulis Shield for 2015 and will continue to uphold all that it embodies. It is another fantastic example of the St Andrews College community doing more and going beyond.