Executive Director’s Summer Reading Challenge

Reading Challenge

During the summer holidays Michael Milazzo of Year 7 took up the challenge and entered the Executive Director's Summer Reading Challenge.

Whilst many students may have enjoyed playing video games, Michael read twelve books. He enjoys reading science fiction books or those with a hidden meaning. One of the books he read was “Wolf Brother: Chronicles of Darkness”.

In his review, Michael says, “Wolf Brother is a very interesting and detailed book about a boy in 2000 BC and his life. The book has ups and downs, and has good parts and bad parts. During each chapter the author had written some very descriptive text that had lots of hidden meaning.”

This entry won Michael an i-Pad Mini and at an assembly held on Friday the 26th of February Michael was congratulated by Kim Brownlie from the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta for taking up the challenge.

The Challenge is offered to students across the Diocese of Parramatta to encourage them to expand their imagination through reading. Students are able to read many different types of literature such as a comic, a play, a piece of poetry, a book, an e-book or a graphic novel. They then needed to write 50 words or less why they loved it.

Michael believes that all students should consider taking up the Reading Challenge next summer holidays as it gives them an opportunity to develop their reading skills and they might discover a love for reading as he has. Michael also believes that books can give you more excitement than an iPad!