Year 12 Biology and Senior Science Excursion to The Museum of Human Diseases

Biology and Senior Science

On the 24th of October, 45 Year 12 Biology and Senior Science students embarked on a bus.  Their destination  “The Museum of Human Diseases” located at the University of New South Wales. Both courses address the issue of health and the displays at the museum provide first-hand evidence of the effect of disease on our bodies.              

The Museum of Human Diseases is filled with 2000 specimens of real, diseased human tissue. Next to each display are models of healthy organs so that the students could compare. The display is designed to allow students to see the effects of the disease on the organ/tissue. In addition the medical history of each specimen is explained in the exhibition and from this the students are able to conclude why the patient passed away from the disease.

The Biology students would have found the exhibition on Malaria very useful for part of their first assignment. It gave the Biology students an opportunity not only to investigate the measures taken to control this disease but also to observe the mosquito responsible for spreading the disease under a microscope.

A few bionic implants, such as the pace maker, were on display. This was of particular interest to the Senior Science students who are currently completing an assignment on Bionics.

The education officers at the Museum were very impressed with the manner in which our students behaved. All students were respectful, enthusiastic and asked a lot of questions.

Initially the students were a bit wary of the excursion but by the end they found it to be an extraordinary experience that they will remember for life.