Earth and Environmental Science students went discovering in the Australian Museum

E & E Museum Excursion Photo 1

Eight students left Blacktown Station on a packed train to Town Hall Station.  A quick walk up College Street and we were in the Museum with a huge skeleton to greet us.

Our first stop was the Dinosaur exhibition where we sniffed air that would have smelt like the air 200 million years ago.  We discovered how the earth and vegetation has changed over time. We then researched how the dinosaurs were fossilised and how they lived. We finished that area by learning how scientists think dinosaurs became extinct and looking at the evidence presented.

After morning tea we went to the exhibition on how megafauna become extinct in Australia.  There were life-sized models of the megafauna that were larger than anything in Australia today. We found out there were conflicting theories as to why they became extinct.

E & E Museum Excursion Photo 2

After lunch we saw the minerals collection with its incredibly coloured exhibits.  There were even some diamonds. Adam tried to see if he could fit into a crocodile’s mouth.